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Entrepreneurs - the Superheroes



Entrepreneurs are the lighthouse of the modern sea of business, but when the world comes to a standstill with the pandemic leaving its footprints across countries, what can the entrepreneurs do? Global companies are at death’s door, and the challenge of business continuity haunts CEOs. Employees are stumped by the fear of losing their jobs, while the economy is off to a landslide.

Entrepreneurs have always sprouted with innovation to smush away problems and bring in radical change, and now the burden of rescuing us is on their rubs. As the unlocking of the country from the clutches of the COVID -19 expands, a void of innovation opens. The gap in our defence against the virus is of paramount importance, and entrepreneurs with hawk eyes have identified the gap and are in pursuit of using this opportunity. The newer devices like UV-based sanitization, currency sanitizers, mobile disinfects, and more are classic examples of how the lighthouses are dispersing technology and proving challenges bring opportunities. Business now can enable safer work environments and the common folk are no more vulnerable against the pandemic. The government’s efforts towards reducing economic contractions can be facilitated by entreprenerd actions. As we sway towards the post COVID theme of life, the chance to do it right flies in. Hospitality industry can be the next big game for entrepreneurs, the call for medical technology is off the charts and entrepreneurs can bring in devices from global connections or recreate technological solution here, to take advantage of the demand and flatten the curve of COVID-19. Self-care is the next blockbuster on the list, the sudden obsession on hygiene and immunity has rocketed the need for self-care products, newer market spaces are created and innovators are plunging in to help customers stock up with self-care products. Lastly, digital education has broken the traditional schooling system, with the new education policy floating in, the space to digitalize it has gained miles. E-education is shimmering with flaws, correction of these flaws will help schools and institutes provide better education and make the best virtual gurus.  Thus, the entrepreneurs of 2020 can be the superheroes of the economy.


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