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Would you call me crazy? If I’d say many teenagers or probably most of them are spiritual. No! I’m not talking about enlightenment or teen-yogis, but a very different kind of spirituality.

Spirituality isn’t the fanciest among teenagers and the two words of my title Teenage and Spirituality is less found together and more often found away from each other. Typically, for one to find flavor in spirituality he/she must be aged, retired, or have a life-threatening issue with spirituality being the last place of help. This may be the common thought in the air but isn’t always the truth, people of all kinds, all ages, and even problem-free adopt spirituality. Simply because spirituality comes to find you.

When the world believes spirituality is connecting to a higher self or finding peace within, the young adults define spirituality in their very own way. Pop music and its funky beats seem to be their mantra of peace. They journey along the groves and rhythm to find joy and their own space of comfort. Some effects of meditation are delivered by elegant songs that can calm an angry mind, cheer up moods, and shower peace, ultimately finding joy is the goal, and music is the teenager’s choice of path. Yet it would be wrong to assume music to play the hero’s role all the time, songs with sad lyrics and gloomy tones can push their minds to feel depressed and cause loneliness.  One could examine the playlist of a depressed teenager to find it contains songs of sorrowful lyrics and pain which bounds them to be in the same state of mind for longer periods. Music is hence a double edge knife.

A part of spirituality is letting go of anger, anxiety, and depression. The masters or gurus teach yoga and other such exercises to help get rid of such emotions. The teenage spirit, however, seeks no guru’s help but follows the baiting scent of alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs like weed to help escape those feelings. Once hooked onto them they see no way of turning back, a lucky few break free from addiction, and the rest make it a lifelong habit. Those free from negative emotions and are happy in life are also lured into the trap of addiction. Many ridicules

that being high on alcohol is the highest form you could be in, some teenagers claim when the cocaine rushes to their brain true spirituality is obtained, leaving alcohol to grow to fame as the best way to celebrate or die with. 


TEENAGE-SPIRITUALITY is a phenomenon of teenagers reaping the effects of music and alcohol to find joy and elude pain, like replicating the wonders of spirituality through a more enjoyable yet dangerous way.  Once I heard a bunch of teenagers sing “twinkle twinkle little star, point me to the nearest bar” realizing indeed spirituality has gained a different meaning in their minds. On one side, the world believes connecting to god is spirituality but on the other, the new-gen of adults is busy forgetting the same. 



  1. I really don't get it how can you think of things like this and make it so creative. Great work man!

  2. Your perspective is refreshing and perfectly connect to the current trend!!! Amazing job

  3. Your blog is the cheapest mind-altering drug ❤️

  4. Brings out the current trend and has been written beautifully! Good work.

  5. Beautiful work! Great perspective ❤️

  6. Your creativity is next level bro.... keep it up


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