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The possibility of you becoming anything you want is ridiculous, though the line “you can become anything you want in life” kicks in some inspiration, only 2 out of 10 ever become whatever they want. One of my favorite quotes is “ONLY DEAD FISH GO WITH THE FLOW”. The simplest way of decoding the quote is; letting life take you along with you posing no resistance towards it and as human beings, we just love going with the flow. 

Here’s a small example many can relate to, Jeevan as a kid loved playing football and dreamed of being a football star until 5th grade when suddenly a new liking towards becoming a pilot stormed in. Entering high school he seemed to have lost his ambition and walked on paths of confusion. While being unclear of what he wanted, Jeevan passed high-school, and life threw him 3 options Engineering, Medicine, and Law. He dared not to dream and sailed passively along with life washing up as software techie. Nothing is wrong with this story but the element of dreaming or aspiring to become something was never there! A vast number of people never become what they want because they never decide on what to become, and that’s why the art of dreaming is essential. 


The Art of Dreaming:

I’m pretty sure you know I am not talking about dreams in our sleep but about the ones that keep us awake.

 This art of dreaming is delicate, as it happens only when we realize that we’ve been dragged by the flow of life all this time, and this sparks a certain emptiness or dissatisfaction. It’s a void we all carry but a few can feel it, the only way to cure this emptiness is by dreaming. An urge to be purposeful in life thrives now and slowly you seek to find a passion. Now the question is how do you realize that you have a void? I could never give you a definitive answer to it as the void reveals itself in random ways, some figure it out by a bad incident in life, others carry a passion from childhood, and you could also find it unintentionally by influences around you. I've heard cases where people just wake up one morning feeling a thirst for purpose in life without knowing how the hell that happened. The art of dreaming is cut out of mysterious fabric and drapes around you in the most uncommon ways. 

Another misconception in the air is people often believe hobbies and passion are the same. I argue against it as a hobby is what you do in your time to spare but passion is something you’d define your life as. You like hobbies but love passion, an overwhelming sense of dedication finds its way to sustain passions. PASSION IS THE PURPOSE OF LIFE.

Now, what happens when the art of dreaming attacks you? The only way out of it is to fill the void with a passion or ambition. This stands as a problem because finding passion is hard. Few are lucky as a passion finds them with ease where the others struggle with it and some eventually let the void go numb and jump back into the flow. Finding a passion differs from person to person, a basic solution to this is envisioning yourself in different ambitions, the one you’d feel makes you happiest is the obvious choice. I would also highlight that turning your hobbies into a passion is a great way too. Remember that finding a passion could happen anytime in life and it’s never too late to pursue it. 

What’s next after finding a passion? That’s easy to answer – you pursue the passion. Easier said than done but! A brief way of understanding the probable outcomes of pursuing a passion can be laid out with these examples. 

  1. David wants to become a celebrity Chief one day, but the harsh winds of life are too much of a pain to him and he never tries to pursue it and settles with the flow of life, turning out to be working as a banker. 
  2. Reva dreams of creating her own fashion brand and gushes against the flow of life learning fashion designing and tailoring, but her path seems to become foggy and she finds quitting her dreams as the easier way out and settles as a tailor in a company, never creating her own brand.
  3. The best-case scenario: Rishan wants to become an actor in life and pours in great efforts towards realizing his dream and knocks out barriers of life to one day becoming a famous actor.


The outcomes are dependent on the determination and grit you carry for your passion.


The strangest thing is, many feel their on track in life with the flow guiding them or more like dragging them along and end up in decent places but what they missed out is that they landed where life took them and not where they wanted. You could let life control you or you step up and control life. I hope the void in you reaches out before the flow of life makes you cold to feel it at all. Pursue what you love and let passion be your purpose.



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