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Passion serves as the purpose of life, it keeps our hearts filled and drives us with intense enthusiasm towards our goals and demands a lot of hard work, many seem to pour their hard work into the wrong areas or are puzzled about what they are passionate about. Here are 6 simple steps that help you choose the right passion. Whether you want to find the right passion or decide if the passion you already are pursuing is the right one, these 6 steps are all you need.



Start with the right step, develop the right kind of mindset.

  • Remember you are here to find your passion so set your mind to it, steady your mind and insert the belief that no matter how hard or easy it is going to be you will find a passion.
  • Here's an example to understand the above statement- Imagine if you walk into a showroom that sells cars with the opinion that no car there was good enough! Then no matter how great the car is or how good the car deal is, you would never buy a car from there.
  • The very same applies here and developing the mindset that you will find your passion is crucial! adopting such a mindset will let you surf through the troublesome waves of finding a passion seamlessly.
  • The mind is the master of thoughts and setting control over it might be tricky, use this positive affirmation to help set the correct mindset. I AM HERE TO FIND THE RIGHT PASSION AND I WILL FIND IT AT ALL COST.

2.     DISCOVER YOURSELF, now that you have the right mindset fixed, its time to understand that the origin of a passion is within you. Learning to understand yourself can make it easier to answer the call of passion finding.

·         There is a possibility that you may already have something you love to do! Decode your mind and start leaning back on the memories you enjoyed. Maybe there is a memory where you were teaching a friend to play a musical instrument and you felt excited in doing so. Zoom in to your lifestyle and unwrap things that get you excited. Use a notepad and jot down the things you enjoy doing.

·         Travel through some of your hobbies, discover what hobbies you catch yourself doing in spare times and how likely you could convert them into a full-time passion.

·         Keep your pace slow and analyze the list you have made, don't rush into any major decisions yet. If you haven't made a convincing list yet, then don't worry and move on to the next step.


3.     PUT YOUR RESEARCH HAT ON! Dig into the internet and get your passion finding game on.

  • If you have made a list then, read extensively about it. Find out if the options on your list fall into your quadrant, look for answers to questions like- "what capabilities should I have to pursue this passion? Could I use this as my passion to make a living? etc.
  • Find people who already have a successful career in those areas and juggle into their social media profiles. Learn how they made it to the top of their fields and educate yourself about what kinda personality they carry, what their success story is, and if you could follow the same.
  • Well if you don't have a list then the internet is a gold mine to find your passion. Firstly it's important to narrow your search, ask yourself questions that could bottleneck your research, for example- What are the things you find boring? now you could eliminate all the things that bore you from your research. Don't be random, and use the source of interests and things that intrigue you as the basis of your research.
  • Another interesting way is to look around the people you know, your family, friends, and maybe even neighbors. There could be someone who inspires you or a profession someone is in that you admire. Flex through all the possibilities and make a final list.
  • Lastly, do not dwell in uncertainty. Out of the options you put on the list, analyze how doable the options are, and have at least a foggy vision on how to pursue the passion.

4.     ENVISIONING YOURSELF, with your list put together its time to try this basic but powerful tool.

  • This tool deals with the concept of imagination and visualization. Set yourself in a relaxed mood and start imagining yourself as a successful person in the areas you put down on your list. If you have written down, musician, teacher, and artist as your final list, all you have to do is to visualize in your head that you are a successful musician. Later do the same to the other options, imagine yourself as a successful teacher and go on.
  • While you are visualizing, take it step by step, start from where you currently are, and jump on to the path of hard work and dedication you need to follow to achieve success in that area of passion. Shower your visualization with a lot of details and surrender yourself to the process, take your time, and do this to all the options on your list.
  • The take away from this process is to identify which option gets you more excited and ultimately happier. The option that brings the most acceptance and self-satisfaction should be your choice.
  • This allows you to understand what you expect while following the path of your passion and realize how happy you'd be pursuing it. Seeing your self successful will boost your inner confidence and program yourself on fighting harder to do it.

5.     TRY IT OUT, the only way to find out if you truly have made the right choice is to try it out. Follow the points and take your first step in pursuing your passion.

  • Taking baby steps - pull some time out of your routine to build on your passion before you go full swinging into it. For example, if pottery is what you decided then go visit pot manufacturers and people who already are pursuing it. Learn from them and start small.
  • Once you get a hang of it, quickly judge whether this is what you want to do as a passion. Make a strong decision and lay out the foundation, make a plan of moving into your life of passion, and slowly you will be living the life of your dreams.
  • If you are quite not sure yet, keep going on with baby steps and doing small things or try out the other options that were on your list before. Remember there is a passion for you and no matter how hard its going to be you will find it.

6.     PURSUE IT,  now that you got your passion insight, its time take the larger step.

  • Those baby steps you have taken must have laid the foundation, to strengthen your core and build pillars of growth you have to consider drawing a plan to swiftly re-route your time for pursuing your passion.
  • Do not engage in harsh decisions such as quitting your job or dropping out of studies. create a systematic plan that suits you and brings the best chance possible and shoot through it.


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