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Passion serves as the purpose of life, it keeps our hearts filled and drives us with intense enthusiasm towards our goals and demands a lot of hard work, many seem to pour their hard work into the wrong areas or are puzzled about what they are passionate about. Here are 6 simple steps that help you choose the right passion. Whether you want to find the right passion or decide if the passion you already are pursuing is the right one, these 6 steps are all you need.   1.      BEGIN WITH THE RIGHT MINDSET, Start with the right step, develop the right kind of mindset. Remember you are here to find your passion so set your mind to it, steady your mind and insert the belief that no matter how hard or easy it is going to be you will find a passion. Here's an example to understand the above statement- Imagine if you walk into a showroom that sells cars with the opinion that no car there was good enough! Then no matter how great ...


The possibility of you becoming anything you want is ridiculous, though the line “ you can become anything you want in life”  kicks in some inspiration, only 2 out of 10 ever become whatever they want. One of my favorite quotes is “ONLY DEAD FISH GO WITH THE FLOW”. The simplest way of decoding the quote is; letting life take you along with you posing no resistance towards it and as human beings, we just love going with the flow.  Here’s a small example many can relate to, Jeevan as a kid loved playing football and dreamed of being a football star until 5th grade when suddenly a new liking towards becoming a pilot stormed in. Entering high school he seemed to have lost his ambition and walked on paths of confusion. While being unclear of what he wanted, Jeevan passed high-school, and life threw him 3 options Engineering, Medicine, and Law. He dared not to dream and sailed passively along with life washing up as software techie. Nothing is wrong with this story but the element...

5 strange things of the Pandemic

Caught those UFOs? Or heard of the drive-thru strip club? How about a dog that could sniff out if your Corona positive? Tired of reading the same scripts of news on the pandemic, here’s a list of breaking news that never made it to the limelight as the COVID-19 hype made them invisible. The list comprises of short glimpses of some of the weirdest things the lockdown produced and the news on this list fly in from all over the globe.  1.UFO encounters:   Flying saucers are number Uno on the list, in April the Pentagon officially released three videos that show what appears to be unidentified flying objects recorded by infrared cameras. A video describes a US navy pilot encountering a suitcase-size flying object. Could you imagine a sliver suitcase hovering over your head and maybe paper aliens jumping out? The UFO encounters occur way back in 2013, 2014, and the latest being 2019. The pilot lays out that 8 such incidents have happened and some even include mid-air ...

The Covid-19 Playlist

The Covid-19 Playlist If you’d turn all that’s happening around you into a playlist, what would be on repeat? With no surprise its “corona”. My playlist was ruined, and I’m sure your playlist was too. The pandemic is truly a killer but what could be more painful, corona as a disease or the mouths that won’t stop talking about it?    Being locked in our homes we find freedom through the internet, but Corona isn’t just spreading across us humans but also has captured the internet. Like a song that goes viral, first, it takes over the internet, then slips into the TV and finally, the popular song is a frequently heard caller-tune. Tipping into the 6th month of 2020 we still are flushed out of our normal lives, with the Covid-19 pandemic bossing us and the digital world. Over 90% of the data around us has transformed into something related to Corona. By the time you read the end of this sentence, I’m sure the word “coronavirus” would have made its way for the billionth t...


TEENAGE-SPIRITUALITY Would you call me crazy? If I’d say many teenagers or probably most of them are spiritual. No! I’m not talking about enlightenment or teen-yogis, but a very different kind of spirituality. Spirituality isn’t the fanciest among teenagers and the two words of my title Teenage and Spirituality is less found together and more often found away from each other. Typically, for one to find flavor in spirituality he/she must be aged, retired, or have a life-threatening issue with spirituality being the last place of help. This may be the common thought in the air but isn’t always the truth, people of all kinds, all ages, and even problem-free adopt spirituality. Simply because spirituality comes to find you. When the world believes spirituality is connecting to a higher self or finding peace within, the young adults define spirituality in their very own way. Pop music and its funky beats seem to be their mantra of peace. They journey along the groves and rhythm to...


THE GRAPHICS OF REALITY Boxed up in my bed and going through another of those sleepless quarantined nights, I asked myself strange and newer questions, those kinda questions I’d never ask myself in a million years and I was left hanging by this one intriguing thought. What is reality? The next morning was very odd, the thought had survived from last night and was eating crumbs of my brain, so I dumped my routine and put my research hat on to visit the all-knowing yogi of knowledge “google-baba”. Like any human, I could scroll through only a few from the  1,51,00,00,000 results. After a lot of reading my mouse pointer froze when one website described reality to be the opposite of anything imaginary, I left that website more confused than convinced. I slithered across multiple books only to understand that the conflict between reality and imagination imitates a board of chess, the difference being both the moves of black and white pawns are played by a single hand. The battle...